How to deal with negative reviews and comments

Online purchasing has made it easier for customers and businesses to communicate. However, as more people communicate through their screens, negative reviews can be harsh and public. Negative posts can cause a lot of harm to a business, especially when the feedback is fake. Although negative reviews and comments cannot be avoided there are strategies that can help businesses to reduce their impact.

Monitoring reviews is key to managing their effects. Notifications have helped businesses address negative feedback quickly while private review websites such as, Yelp, and TripAdvisor offer convenient, quick resolutions for both customers and businesses.

Once a negative review has been posted, following the steps below will help resolve the problem and reduce its damage.

Responding to feedback – It is important to respond to negative reviews quickly as it reduces the chances of a customer posting elsewhere. When responding to a negative review try to move the conversation offline by offering a contact number to reach the company directly.

Refrain from being defensive – When speaking to disgruntled customers, customer service personnel should remain calm and neutral while noting down the facts of the incident. Often customers will state the form of compensation they are looking for after their complaint is heard.

Request for the post to be deleted – If the customer is happy with their resolution, you can gently request for the post to be deleted highlighting that it will affect how other customers view the business.

Revdex is an online business directory. Revdex’s aim is to improve the connection between consumers and businesses. They provide the customers with an opportunity to browse and post negative complaints and reviews about businesses and they make it easier for their voice to be heard by the companies.

Consumers can report internet scams or file complaint about health products.