Three Self-Defeating Traits That Any Investor Should Avoid

Incurring losses in your investments is anything but motivating especially since your objective is to achieve just the opposite: to make profits from your hard earned money. Unfortunately every seasoned investor will tell you that at some point of time or the other, they would have experienced losses.

And these losses almost always stem from three self-defeating traits that every investor is vulnerable to, and so here is a list of these three traits:

Trait #1: Greed

Have you ever wondered why conmen get away with ridiculous schemes, and put several people into trouble?

The answer is greed. Almost always, nothing is as good as it seems, and one must assess the risks in getting involved with schemes of this nature before making an investment that will work to the detriment of your bank balance.

Trait #2: Ignorance

If you wish to make profits in your investments without learning the tricks and trade of the market, then this expectation is unrealistic by most standards. Any experienced investor will tell you that the only way to do this by learning all you can about the subject while also meeting with people who know what you don’t, and learning from them too.

Trait #3: Fear

At another level altogether, the fear of loss can many a time stop an investor from making a sound investment, and while it is good to have a bit of fear to help us take realistic decisions, you can miss out on making profits if you let this trait overtake you in your investments. Remember, you won’t win at the stock market if you don’t make an investment.

Article submitted by Alex Saroyan of Online Investment Guide.