Six Ws To Maximize Your Residential Property Investing

Maximizing your profitability when investing in residential property can be as simple can conducting an analysis in using the 6 Ws. By using this simple and approach, you can find what is happening in the market in order to take the best course of action:


When assessing property in a particular area, you must first take into consideration who is buying property in that very same area as well. Perhaps there are all types of buyers who want to occupy this area, and so additionally, one must also find out the proportion of buyers in each category.


Once you have determined who is buying, and which categories they fall into, you also have to look at which type of buyer category is on the increase and which is on a decline. What this will do for you is help you discover buying trends for the area in question. And in doing so, one will always be able to stay ahead of developing trends.


Once you have discovered the buying trends, you would have also identified which group are potential buyers and sellers. The next question to ask would be what the buying group intends to achieve by buying these properties, what type of properties they’re interested in and what they’ll do with the property once it is purchased. Also ask what the sellers are selling and what they intend to achieve by doing so.

Finally, ask yourself how you make what is being sold desirable enough for the buyers to purchase.


Ask when did the fastest buying category begin to buy property in this area, and how long will this last.


Ask where is the exact location that the fastest group of buyers is purchasing property so that you can take immediate steps, thanks to the growing trends.


If you understand buying habits and the evolving trends, then you will not only know how long these trends will last, and which areas they might extend to as well.