6 Steps to Spring Clean Your Finances This Summer

With the weather getting warmer, it’s no doubt time for us to do a bit of spring cleaning at home whether it means getting rid of items that you hardly use or even clear out lesser-used rooms.

Keeping this in mind, it’s probably a good time to clear out your finances as well. Here are a few steps that should help you get there:

#1: Clear up your accounts

It’s time to get rid of unused accounts, consolidate them if necessary or even throw out old statements or checkbooks. Also, check your retirement accounts while you’re at it too.

#2: Go paperless

Almost all accounts have an option to go paperless. Opting for this will ensure that you can avoid clutter around your home with less bills coming in the mail. Not only will your home be cleaner but the environment will also thank you.

#3: Create a home inventory

It’s important to make a list of items in your home. This will come in handy especially in the case of an unforeseen disaster and which could make it easier to replace if and when this happens.

#4: Do some shopping

Feel free to do some shopping for the best rates when it comes to your cable, cellphone or even car insurance – mainly items that you pay for every month so as to make sure that you aren’t overpaying for these service.

#5: Research insurance coverage

If you haven’t done any research on homeowner or life insurance policies, then this would be a good time to do so. Of course, for the express purpose of checking whether you have adequate coverage or not.

#6: Straighten out your paperwork

Go through all the documents and get rid of what you need by shredding sensitive or personal financial information.