4 Ways to Protect Yourself against Credit Card Theft

Almost 13 million Americans fall prey to identity theft every year. Yet the worst part is that you wouldn’t even know when you’re being robbed.

The most common way by which thieves can gain access to your money is by getting your credit card number.

That said, here are 4 ways to keep yourself protected against this threat:

#1: Don’t give your credit card number to anyone

Never ever give your credit card number to anyone over the phone not unless you are the one making the call. If someone asks for your number, hang up and call the main number again while asking for that person. This goes for keeping your credit card safely whenever using it. Make sure it is with you when you leave the location where you made a purchase.

#2: Report a fraud immediately

As soon as you see a fraudulent purchase, ensure that you call the credit card company immediately. Do not delay. The faster you do this, the better it is for everyone except of course, the person who has committed the crime.

#3: Get text alerts

A number of banks provide a feature that enables you to receive a text as soon as you have made a purchase. Using this feature, you can easily determine whether or not the purchase is yours and the amount is right immediately.

#4: Review statements regularly

Just because you pay your bills online that doesn’t mean you don’t need to review your monthly statements. Doing so will ensure that you are able to verify if you’ve been charged the right amounts for your purchases but most importantly: check for and report any fraudulent charges to your card.