Picture the Achievements You Want to Happen

Dr. Eric Amidi Empowerment
Written by Dr. Eric Amidi.

Everyone has goals that they want to achieve. Some of them can be relatively small, such as organizing the house or making more sales calls at work. Other goals are larger such as buying a house or finding a life partner. One thing that is constant is that it’s common for people to get wrapped up in the details of how to make those goals happen. Instead, self-actualization can be the powerful stimulus necessary to make these goals become a reality.

In my book “The Secret Behind The Secret,” I detail the powerful links that the human mind can make to the Universe — known as the Laws of Attraction. One of the core tenants of the Laws of Attraction is the power of self-actualization. Through the power of focused thought, we can make the things we think about happen. If you want to achieve your goals, you can do so by picturing yourself achieve them.

Professional athletes do this all of the time. They think about being in a pressure situation where they have one chance to win the championship. When this time finally happens, the positive thoughts and the fact that they have pictured themselves be successful lets them perform to their highest ability. The same thing can happen to you in your life if you harness the power of picturing your dreams coming to life. By ignoring your current situation and focusing on where you want to be, you can be an agent to make these changes in your life happen.


Dr. Eric Amidi is a physicist and certified hypnotist with an acute understanding of the inner working of the human mind. Eric Amidi was one of the scientists who discovered the Top Quark at Fermi National Laboratory.