4 of the most expensive additions

mlava1Most people think that addictions are only those in the form of alcohol or cigarettes. But there are many types of addictions that are not traditional and are more behavioural, like for example exercise addicts or workaholics. The list of addictions below are based on the largest amount of money spent on each addiction.

Energy Drinks – Most convenience stores are stocked full with Red Bull and other energy drinks. These beverages contain many substances such as caffeine, taurine, guarana, carnitine and ginseng. The CDC says that 31% of teenages between the ages of 12-17 and 34% of adults between the ages of 18-24 consume energy drinks. These groups drink more than 3 cans per day. At $2-$3 per day, this addictions costs $3,000 a year.

Shopping and spending – Those who need to shop, with no financial implications, may have a shopping addiction. According to Healthline, 6% of American’s are shopping addicts. Apart from the cost of the purchases, shopping addicts usually need professional help. Their therapy costs approximately $120 for a half hour session.

Gaming – Entertainment Software Rating Board says that 67% of American homes play video games. Gaming becomes an addiction, when you spend hours gaming and it interferes with real life activities. Most addicts will get irritated if they are unable to play. The cost of gaming is the cost of hardware and the games. PC console games can cost between $60- $400.

Internet and texting – Addicts of this nature tend to spend a lot of time online and isolate themselves. Health effects include insomnia, headaches and back